Friday, 24 January 2014

Slow down mummy!

Slow down mummy! 

Let's watch the twenty second train passing by...

Let's find where the rainbow starts... 

Let's take the shoes off and pretend to be geckos...

Let's inspect all the finger puppets under the microscope...

Let's get rolling in paint...

Let's bake and make a lot of mess...

Let's spent the entire morning making sea animals out of playdough...

Let's dance any play harmonica until we drop dead...

Don't rush us mummy. Let us be...

Saturday, 4 January 2014

This is MINE!

Toy sharing and taking turns seems to be such a massive concept for my little boy. Frustration after frustration... 

And then I take them out, where there are no toys, just mud and leaves and branches and water and sand... And I have never ever heard him say: 'This is my maple leaf!' or 'This is my stone!' or 'This is my duck!'