Friday, 28 March 2014

G is for Gecko...

'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.' (English proverb)

With the majority of organised activities Mr A's response is: 'Mummy, I will do it later.' or 'Mummy, you can do it yourself.' (both read as 'I don't want to do it!!'). 

Well, unless we are speaking about exploring the nature or playing with any sort of vehicles...

So far, all our literacy activities have been on an ad-hoc basis. But oh, when I step back and observe and catch that perfect moment, the activity evolves beautifully. 


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Not fitting the norm?

'Mummy, I'm sorry I didn't paint the pot!'
These were the words of my four year old that accompanied a mother's day present from the nursery. I gave him a cuddle and said: 'Sweetheart, you don't have to apologise. I like it just the way it is!' 

These were the words that hit me hard. Is my little boy apologising for not fitting the norm? For being different? For not following instructions?
I don't care if this was the only pot that didn't get painted. But it saddens me that he felt he needed to apologise...

Friday, 21 March 2014

My little naturalist...

'It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.' (David Attenborough) 

My little naturalist so immersed in exploring. Every day he rushes out to catch some more animals. Every day he brings them in. Every day he wants to read natural history books.  

Thursday, 20 March 2014

The power of wind

We had some perfect days for exploring the power of wind... 

I haven't planned for any of this, but when I saw Miss R giggling while watching a plastic bag escaping from the neighbour's garden, I couldn't help myself but bring out a stash of bags for the children. An they were running around with them, parachute scooting, and letting them go so that they would fly across the street.

Children thought that plastic bags were absolutely hilarious. Not so funny if you are a mummy trying to catch them over and over again.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Child-led learning...

Seemingly effortless yet happening with such intensity; garden exploration on a chilly spring morning, visit to the pond to see frogs and catch frogspawn, reading books to self exhaustion and probably dreaming about some creepy crawlies...

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Polka dot painting

My idea: 'A hand-painted polka dot cotton table cloth for the children's table.' 

My children's idea: 'Lots of paint mixing and smearing, handprinting, hiding under the tablecloth and a few random dots.'

Still like the outcome, though.

Sunday, 9 March 2014


“Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.” (Maria Montessori)

My little boy reminds me of Dr Montessori's words every single day... 

I don't want to paint! You do it mummy!

'I don't want to do painting! You do it mummy!' This is Mr A's typical response to most of my invitations to painting. I have figured out by now that if it is not on a big scale or it does not have a specific purpose or it is not incredibly messy or it does not include cars, then it will not work. 

The following worked for us recently :)

Window painting...

Feet painting, followed by rolling in paint...

Bubble wrap monoprinting...

Painting a bird house... 

Painting a garage for cars and then some wheel painting...